On Nov. 17th there was a really cool meteor shower, so me and a bunch of friends woke up at 3 am to watch them. To get better viewing we drove out of Kingston, hoping to find a place that was dark and comfortable. At our first possible stop, the dark field beside us turned out to be very grassy, and there was even a fallen part of the fence to let us in. As I was the leader, and the field was ideal, It made me look like a pretty good random spot finder, but I confess it was really just some awesome coincidences!
I brought my camera and ran it took pictures constantly with a 15s shutter speed, sequence mode, and a bunch of elastics to hold the button down. It didn't turn out all that well, but I did catch a picture of a shooting star! It's the faint white streak... Much cooler in RL.

I've also found some rather amusing internet tidbits recently, and I've decided to share them:
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