September 11, 2024

Gaggia Classic Pro 2019 Leak Repair

I have a Gaggia Classic Pro 2019 Espresso machine. It's a great espresso machine, with a capable boiler and steam wand. It's also super modifiable, with a healthy Arduino community. 

Recently however after several years, it developed quite a serious leak coming out of the group head. It was extremely easy to fix, but I found it challenging searching for these fixes on the internet, and the specific parts used to replace it. So I feel some obligation to future Gaggia fixes to archive this somewhere. Here is the leak I set out to fix.

I ended up changing two o-rings, and the group head gasket. The parts used were: 

  1. 8mm OD 4mm ID silicone o-ring (steam wand)
  2. 109 Silicone O-Ring (steam assembly insert)
  3. Group Head Gasket

Making the repairs  


Replacing  the Gasket 

To replace the gasket, you need an Allen key, and a Philips head screwdriver. Simply turn your machine on its side when unplugged and cool, and remove the group head assembly one piece at a time. Once disassembled, you'll see the current gasket and can simply remove and insert your replacement.


Replacing the O-Rings 

The two o-rings are replaced in the same action. Start by removing the screws behind the water tank to lift off the top of the machine. Then you'll see two Allen bolts. Remove these two bolts. Also simply pull to remove your steam cap. Then you can lift the steam assembly straight off your machine. Replace the black o-ring with 109 Silicone O-Ring.


While this is remove, you can also simply pull off the alligator clip on your lower steam wand. While apart, simply replace the o-ring with 8mm OD 4mm ID silicone o-ring. NOTE: The alligator clamp goes on the outside of the wand, not through the slot.

Now my machine is working perfectly! I think the real issue was simply the o ring in the steam assembly, but it was worthwhile to disassemble and find replacement parts of the rest as well. Good luck and hope this can help some wayward GCP fixers.